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My Collection



Selfless is the state where we let go of our own ego, our own desires, our own personality and act in ways to help others. When one lets go of their ego, the only thing that remains is an abundance of love and divinity. This is the real ‘self’ that connects all of us.

Seeds of Hope

This painting highlights the essence of hope. Hope of everything positive within us. The world is what you believe; so when you plant a ‘seed of hope’, you will see that manifest into reality. Seeing your dreams actually turn into reality is true happiness. So, when someone finds a seed of hope within, that’s their real treasure.

Seeds of Hope.jpg

Present Moment

The real meaning of life and its purpose is to be here and now - the present moment. The painting signifies that all that we see in the present moment is all there is to see, and all there is to be, in this ocean of existence.

Light and Dark

All of us have a light and a dark side within us. Its important we follow the light and explore the dark side with the light of love, hope and peace.


Light of God

God is the light that brightens our world, our hearts and our lives. Let's look upon this light to give us the power when we feel low.


Where there is music, there is peace, and where these is peace, there is love, and where there is love, there is God. Krishna, one of the Hindu Gods, symbolizes all these into one.


Let's Bloom

When we allow ourselves to grow, seek humility and share the love....we bloom like like the let's bloom!


When we are thankful for everything, our life turns red with prosperity. Ganesha is the Hindu God of knowledge, prosperity and wealth.



The world needs a lot of peace and love. Just taking one leaf from Buddha's lessons can change our lives for the better.


A good life is one filled with joy. The different colours of circumstances that life gives you is not something to be threatened by, rather see them as the sparks of challenges in your life, which give you joy.

My Collection: Collections
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